Saturday 19 May 2012

I will call this my Darthvader Look

Well day three in the hospital. Look at that I finally have time to blog. This has been quite the month and a half for our family . First Andrew with pneumonia , then him and Beth with bronchitis and now me. I started feeling like I had bronchitis 2 weeks back, went the the hospital last Sunday cause I could not breath and had a x ray a few masks with steroids and I went home. As of my 5 th x ray not including the CAT scan this morning they all agree it is pneumonia in both lungs but the right side has now developed a mucus plug that is at the bottom of my lung and is not moving. I actually am praying I will start coughing harder then ever. Please join me in this. I am on so many antibiotics and different steroids and physical therapy to help break up the stuff in my lungs the best thing at this point is the ability to cough. Only thing is my lungs aren't listening to me or my Doctors.
Ok now I will count blessing to keep perspective.
I had a wonderful friend nurse come sleep in my hospital room last night. Thanks Rhonda, now I know why you were sent here not Bolivia.
My kids are being well taken care of.
I missed a grammar test in Spanish.... As much as it would be nice to be done it the mental energy hasn't been there for a few weeks.
I have wonderful friends and family that sends their love and prayer.
I haven't washed dishes or folded laundry in days!
And I truly feel the Lords peace here with me in my room and with the doctors.


  1. get better!! praying for health...and quickly!

  2. This is an interesting look for you, but it disrupts your beautiful face hahahaha am I allowed to say that. Just kidding!!
